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Publishing details, legal notice and privacy policy

wau-miau is a brand of European Travel Insurance ERV. The processing of information and data – especially personal data – is all about trust. Your trust is of the utmost importance to ERV. To maintain your trust, the best possible protection of your data must be guaranteed.


Publishing details
European Travel Insurance ERV, a branch of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd
wau-miau, a brand of European Travel Insurance ERV
St. Alban-Anlage 26
CH-4002 Basel
+41 58 275 27 27



Please note that by accessing websites of European Travel Insurance ERV, a branch of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd, hereinafter referred to as ERV, you agree to the following terms and conditions.


All legal disputes arising in connection with access to the websites of ERV are subject to Swiss law (excluding conflict of laws and international conventions). The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Basel


If you have any questions or comments about our legal notice or privacy policy, please contact us.


We cannot guarantee the faultless operation of hardware or software. Please note that the web pages may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. We reserve the right to amend or update information on our websites at any time without prior warning. This also applies to improvements and/or amendments to the products or programs described on this site.

ERV will in no circumstances accept liability to you or to third parties in respect of any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damage resulting from the use of this website or of any website linked to it. Liability for any loss of profit, interruption of operations, loss of programs or other data in your information systems is also excluded. This remains the case even if we have expressly pointed out the possibility of such damage.

ERV and its employees decline all liability for claims in connection with its websites to the maximum extent permitted by law.

All information (especially prices, reservations and online calculations) is subject to change. Even though we maintain our websites with great care and to the best of our ability, we cannot guarantee that this data is entirely up to date at all times. In any event, our original documentation in paper form, which you can order from us, is authoritative.

ERV also declines all liability for internet errors, damage caused by third parties, imported data of any type (viruses, worms, Trojan horses, logic bombs or other harmful components and constituents not specifically listed here), and for links to other websites. ERV also explicitly states that it will likewise offer no guarantee nor accept any responsibility for the content and structure of pages which can be selected via a hyperlink. Nor will ERV in any way offer a guarantee or accept responsibility for websites from which the ERV web pages can be selected via a hyperlink. We have no control over the content or form of websites other than our own.

The entire content of the website is protected by copyright. Reproduction or use of the published graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of ERV.

Information about insurance intermediation under Art. 45 of the Insurance Supervision Act (ISA)

Insurance intermediation

European Travel Insurance ERV, a branch of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd, St. Alban-Anlage 26, 4002 Basel (hereinafter jointly reffered to as «ERV») is a insurance company and along with their employees, is considered to be tied insurance intermediaries. It offers products from the following insurance companies:

  • Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd, Dufourstrasse 40, 9000 St. Gallen
  • Coop Rechtsschutz AG, Entfelderstrasse 2, 5000 Aarau

ERV offers advisory services for the brokered insurance products.

Training and continuing professional development

ERV and its employees have the skills and expertise required for their insurance
intermediation activities. For further information, please contact

Liability for negligence, errors or incorrect information

For liability-related matters related to the intermediation of the above-mentioned products, please contact:

European Travel Insurance ERV, a branch of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd
St. Alban-Anlage 26, 4002 Basel, 058 275 27 27

Processing of personal data

ERV processes certain personal data in connection with the intermediation of the above-mentioned insurance products. 

ERV’s data protection policy is available, along with further information about personal data processing, especially concerning the purpose and scope of such
processing, as well as the recipients and storage of the data, on the following

Complaints and extrajudicial conciliation bodies for affected persons residing or dom-iciled in the Principality of Liechtenstein


Affected persons residing or domiciled in the Principality of Liechtenstein may submit any complaints about insurance distribution by ERV (advisory services, recommendations or the performance of other work preparatory to entering into insurance contracts, the formation of such contracts or participation in the administration and performance of such contracts) to the following office:

European Travel Insurance ERV, a branch of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd 
St. Alban-Anlage 26, 4002 Basel, 058 275 27 27

In such cases, affected persons residing or domiciled in the Principality of Liechtenstein may address the supervisory authority having jurisdiction over ERV:

Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA
Laupenstrasse 27
3003 Bern

Extrajudicial Conciliation Board

For dispute resolution, policyholders residing or domiciled in the Principality of Liechtenstein may submit any complaints about insurance distribution by ERV (advisory services, recommendations or the performance of other work preparatory to entering into insurance contracts, the formation of such contracts or participation in the administration and performance of such contracts) to the extrajudicial Conciliation Board:

Extrajudicial Conciliation Board
c/o Dr. Peter Wolff, Attorney-at-law
Landstrasse 60
P.O. Box 343
9490 Vaduz
Principality of Liechtenstein



All of the data you provide to ERV is treated confidentially and in accordance with the current data protection legislation – this includes, in particular, the collection, storage, use, provision and deletion of your data. The concept of personal data (hereinafter referred to as “personal data” or “data”) covers all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as the “data subject”) (e.g. name, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.).


This privacy policy applies to the processing of personal data by ERV as part of its service provision and/or its websites and any apps associated with them: In particular, this also refers to the following websites and their contents:


These websites may contain links to websites from other providers (e.g. as social plug-ins) which this privacy policy and thus the data protection guaranteed by ERV does not cover.



It is essential to process your personal data in order to provide advice tailored to your insurance needs. It is not possible to conclude or execute an insurance contract without processing your data.

Your data will only ever be used for the purpose you consented to when it was collected, which is apparent from the circumstances or provided for by law.

ERV processes personal data in particular to the extent required for business processes, such as acquisition, supporting applications, carrying out risk assessments of applications, protecting against insurance fraud, managing the customer relationship, providing its services, providing advice and support in line with needs, dealing with quotations and contracts as well as claims and benefits, invoicing, answering questions and enquiries as well as evaluating, improving and developing new products and services. In this context, ERV also processes your personal data for advertising purposes such as customer satisfaction surveys, general customer communications and customized adaptation of ERV offers, as well as creating customer profiles.


Profiling refers to any kind of automated processing of personal data to analyse specific personal aspects, such as economic situation, health, interests, reliability, behaviour, or relocation.

ERV uses profiling to set up customer segments to offer you customized advertising or offers that are tailored more closely to your needs. The use of data analysis processes also enables ERV to compile statistical information.

Should decisions be made based on the fully automated processing of personal data (such as your details when applying) which are associated with a legal consequence for you, ERV will inform you accordingly and you will have the opportunity to contact ERV so that corresponding decisions are reviewed.

Examples of such decisions include the conclusion or termination of a contract, possible risk exclusions or the amount of the insurance premium to be paid. This also allows ERV to make a fully automated decision on its obligation to pay based on your information on an insurance claim. Fully automated decisions are based on pre-determined rules for weighting the information.


The personal data processed by ERV includes data provided by the policyholder as well as publicly available data. Data categories include:

  • Customer data (such as name, address, date of birth, gender, nationality, creditworthiness data, etc.)
  • Data from applications, including the associated supplementary questionnaires (such as information from the applicant about the insured risk, answers to questions, expert reports, information from the previous insurer about previous claims history etc.)
  • Data from contracts (such as contract term, insured risks, benefits, data from existing contracts etc.)
  • Collection data (such as date and amount of premium payments, outstanding payments, reminders, assets, payment details etc.)
  • Any claims data (such as claim notifications, assessment reports, invoices, data relating to injured third parties etc.)


Data about prospective or existing customers may be collected by third parties to provide optimum processing of the above-mentioned business processes and ensure the accuracy of data, to optimize the performance of business and/or customer needs, as well as to detect or prevent insurance fraud.


Your personal data may be passed on to third parties (“data processors”) for the aforementioned purposes and/or to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory provisions. ERV may also outsource divisions, individual value-creating steps of divisions and/or services (e.g. benefits settlement, IT, contract administration and product development) in part or in full to third parties in Switzerland or abroad. In this case, this will also affect the processing of personal data. ERV takes great care to ensure that your data is protected from unauthorized access, loss or misuse.

Your personal data is only passed on to processors abroad if they are subject to adequate data protection laws. If data is transmitted to a country without adequate data protection, ERV guarantees adequate protection by means of sufficient contractual guarantees or relies on the exception of consent, contract performance or the establishment, exercise and enforcement of legal rights. Contractual guarantees are based on standard data protection clauses accepted by a supervisory authority.

Data may also be passed on for the purpose of detecting or preventing insurance fraud, especially to insurance companies both within Switzerland and abroad, as well as to law enforcement agencies.

If necessary, ERV or the data processors will consult third parties – with your consent – depending on the insurance cover to be reviewed (e.g. with your physician, therapist or hospital or with a previous insurance company). Based on your consent for the purpose of checking insurance coverage, these persons are explicitly released from their duty to observe confidentiality in respect of ERV and the processor.

We use cross-site tools to present you with personalized information for marketing purposes, including outside of our website. These enable personalized online ads and extended analysis and evaluation options about the target group and user behaviour. The data may also be transferred to third countries outside the European Economic Area that do not have an adequate level of protection under data protection law (in particular the USA) . There is a possibility that authorities may access the data without there being any legal remedy to counter this.

With regard to specific business transactions or data processing, ERV provides separate information in the special information on data protection as regards the data controllers, collection and processing of personal data, data categories, purposes, duration of storage, data transfer, data security, rights of Data Subjects and changes.



ERV processes personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purposes. In principle, your data will be erased as soon as it is no longer required for the above-mentioned purposes. ERV stores your data in order to meet its statutory retention obligations. Furthermore, ERV stores your data for as long as claims can be brought against ERV companies.


The policyholder or beneficiary is obliged to provide the data required to assess the risk, execute the contract and handle claims. If he or she fails to meet that obligation, ERV may refuse to conclude the contract or parts thereof or to pay all or part of the claim.


With regard to processing personal data, ERV takes adequate technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access and other unauthorized processing. These measures are based on the international standards in this area and are reviewed regularly and adjusted when necessary.


With regard to specific business transactions or data processing, ERV provides separate information in the special information on data protection as regards the data controllers, collection and processing of personal data, data categories, purposes, duration of storage, data transfer, data security, rights of Data Subjects and changes.


The following categories of personal data are processed by ERV as part of the business relationship with business partners, which may comprise groups of persons such as instructing parties, cooperation partners, contractors, service providers, suppliers or their representatives:

  • Communication data
  • Contract data
  • Master data
  • Registration data
  • Technical data
  • Security, warranty and compliance data
  • Additional data

ERV processes the above-mentioned personal data for the following purposes:

  • Initiation, management and execution of contractual relationships such as supply or advisory contracts
  • Compliance with laws, directives and recommendations of authorities in Switzerland and abroad and internal rules
  • Risk management and as part of prudent corporate governance, including operational organization and corporate development
  • Business partner management and contact maintenance
  • Collaboration with business partners
  • Exchange of information between group companies
  • Other purposes

In order to optimize the discharge of business processes and the conclusion of contracts, or the processing of contracts and the provision of services, ERV or any parties engaged by ERV may collect relevant personal data from third parties (e.g. information centres, data providers, address brokers, reference providers) if this is necessary. The following data categories may be collected in the process:

  • Banking and financial data
  • Security, warranty and compliance data 

Data may be passed on to recipients in Switzerland and abroad. For further details, please see ERV’s «List of Recipients and Countries» at


The categories of personal data processed by ERV in connection with ensuring security are: 

  • Video recordings from CCTV cameras
  • Technical information e.g. location of the camera, time of the recording
  • Recordings from access control systems
  • Movement data of persons in connection with access controls
  • Personal data of visitors and guests

ERV processes the above-mentioned personal data for the following purposes:

  • To guarantee protection of persons, employees, data, business secrets, assets, systems and buildings
  • Clarification of theft and security-related processes
  • Use of evidence in court and out-of-court proceedings
  • Exercising domiciliary and ownership rights
  • Access control
  • Compliance with laws, directives and recommendations of authorities in Switzerland and abroad and internal rules

The following are monitored by CCTV cameras:

  • Waste disposal sites
  • Underground parking garages and driveways
  • Certain high-security areas such as server rooms, storage rooms with valuable goods or sensitive work areas
  • Parking areas
  • Stairwells
  • Inner courtyard
  • Lifts
  • Entrances and access routes (doors, gates)
  • Other signposted areas

Data may be passed on to recipients in Switzerland and abroad. For further details, please see ERV’s «List of Recipients and Countries» at

ERV processes personal data for as long as needed for the described purposes and usually deletes such data after 30 days.



Please note that communication via e-mail is not usually encrypted. It is possible that data can be lost, intercepted and/or manipulated by third parties. ERV takes appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent this from happening within the ERV system. Your access device (PC, smartphone, etc.) is, however, located outside of the secure area over which ERV has control. As an Internet user, it is your responsibility to find out about the necessary security precautions and to take appropriate measures (e.g. up-to-date antivirus software, etc.).


If you contact ERV using the online form, the data you enter into this form is transmitted to ERV from your PC in an encrypted format in accordance with internationally recognized security standards, in order to protect it from being misused by third parties.


For ERV services, you can contact a customer service centre employee via live chat or co-browsing. This enables ERV to offer you simple and fast advice.

To grant this service, ERV relies on the following providers:

Video advice



Centralbahnplatz 10
4051 Basel

When contacting ERV via live chat, all the data you transmit is collected and processed by the relevant service provider. The selected providers guarantee your privacy. When using the corresponding applications, data is processed in a pseudonymized form for advertising and optimization purposes. Cookies, which allow the respective Internet browser to be recognized again, are used for this purpose. The data collected during live chat is not used to personally identify the user of the website, unless personal data is voluntarily provided to ERV while using live chat. You will generally be advised of the data processing by these providers before using the service by way of specific information on data protection.


For certain services, you can use the chatbot on our website. The chatbot independently interprets and answers your chat messages around the clock.The communication takes place exclusively in encrypted form. For identification purposes the chatbot will ask you for personal or contractual details such as your first name, last name, date of birth, e-mail address, policy number. The conversation with the chatbot can be viewed by ERV employees.



aiai bot, swiss moonshot AG

Hochbordstrasse 40
8600 Dübendorf


You can visit ERV’s websites anonymously without having to provide any personal data. To do so, you need to deactivate the tracking function. In any case, your IP address is only processed in a pseudonymized form.

Personal data is only processed if you provide it in one of the applications on the website (e.g. through a contact form, a request for a quote, a quotation, a premium calculator, concluding a contract online, a claim notification, a competition, etc.). This personal data will not be transmitted or provided to third parties for any other purposes.

If data is processed by a third party when visiting an ERV website, it is always anonymized, and no reference to individual persons can be made.

The data you transmit to ERV via ERV websites is transferred in an encrypted format. However, ERV will not be held liable for any damage which you may incur from the loss or manipulation of data. Please therefore ensure that your system is secured at all times by an appropriate means of protection (e.g. antivirus software) and that your systems and browsers are up to date.


ERV websites use cookies. These are small files which are stored on your access device (PC, smartphone, etc.)
when you access an ERV website.

Cookies collect information about the use of websites. Each time this website is accessed, the system collects data and information from your computer's system. Certain cookies are automatically deleted at the end of your browsing session (known as session cookies), whereas others are stored for a given time or permanently in the user's browser and must be deleted independently (known as temporary or permanent cookies).

The visitor data collected in this way is pseudonymized so that it cannot be traced back to any specific person. The data is not stored together with other personal data. After a redirect from a cooperation partner's website, ERV may create temporary cookies when a contract is concluded online in order to
recognize the cooperation partners.

When accessing ERV websites, you will be notified about the use of cookies for analytical purposes and be prompted for your consent to the processing of data used in this context. The cookies stored on your access device may also come from other ERV companies, or third parties such as advertising partners (known as third-party cookies). They provide personalized advertising and measure its effect.

When accessing ERV websites, third parties simply receive access to data based on an identification number, known as the cookie ID. No personal data will be transmitted.

You can change your browser settings to specify for yourself how cookies are used. However, restricting or preventing the use and functionality of cookies can limit the use of certain websites. You can manage many online advertisement cookies from companies via the EU website ad-choices/ or the US website can completely prevent third-party cookies and the loading of plug-ins with specialized add-ons for your browser such as NoScript or Ghostery.


The providers of ERV’s websites collect and store data in log files when you access the websites. This includes the following data:

  • IP address of the website user
  • Date and time of access to the ERV website
  • Designation of the websites accessed
  • Definition of the files accessed (downloads)
  • Notification of successful access
  • Previously visited page information on the user agent (browser, operating system)

This data is not stored together with other personal user data. Furthermore, this data is only collected for statistical purposes relating to website use, security and optimization of the offering and the website and is not passed on to third parties for any other purpose. This data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for fulfilling the purpose for which it was collected, or if there is no legal basis for its storage. As this access data is absolutely necessary for providing the website, it is not possible to object to this data processing.


Services from third parties are shown in some parts of the ERV websites. The functionality of these services requires the service provider to store your IP address. It is of the utmost importance to ERV that only such services are used whose providers use the IP address simply for providing the service in question. Your IP address is processed by third parties in accordance with their data protection provisions.


Data analysis and tracking tools are used to obtain information about the use of ERV websites and to optimize offerings. These tools are provided by a third party. As a general rule, the information about the use of a website collected for this purpose is transmitted to the service provider's server via cookies. Your IP address is also transferred, but this is anonymized by the service provider before being stored so that it can no longer be associated with you.

ERV uses Adobe Analytics services to analyse usage data. Cookies are used to enable a statistical analysis of the use of this website by its visitors and the display of usage-related content or advertising. Cookies are small text files that are stored by the Internet browser on the user’s device. Adobe Analytics cookies do not contain any information that would allow a user to be identified. Our legitimate interest lies in the optimization of our online offering and web presence. As our visitors’ privacy is particularly important to us, Adobe Analytics anonymizes the IP address as soon as possible and converts login or device identifiers to a unique key that is not assigned to a person. Adobe Analytics does not use the data in any other way, combine it with other data or pass it on to third parties. You can object to the above-mentioned data processing at any time, to the extent that it is carried out on a personal basis. Your objection will not have any adverse consequences for you. You can find more information on Adobe Analytics’ data protection here.

ERV uses the Google AdWords Conversion Tracking service. When you click on an AdWords ad, a cookie opens that is responsible for determining the performance of Google AdWords Conversion Tracking.


The fusedeck tracking solution from Capture Media AG (hereinafter referred to as “Capture Media”) is integrated into this website. Capture Media is a Swiss company based in Zurich that measures the use of this website on behalf of Engagements and Events. Tracking is anonymous, which means that no reference can be made to specific or identifiable persons.

Further information on the privacy policy and the rights of data subjects in connection with fusedeck including the possibility of opting out (objecting) can be found here in the data protection statement and objection policy.


ERV websites use “social plug-ins” or “third-party content”. These are additional programs which are integrated into the ERV websites and enhance their range of functions. Please refer to the providers' privacy policies to find out more about the purpose and scope of data collection.

Among other things, ERV websites use “social plug-ins” or “third-party content”:


YouTube, which is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“YouTube”). You can find the link to YouTube’s data protection statement here.

Adobe Typekit

Adobe’s Typekit operated by Adobe Systems Inc. 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704, USA. You can find the link to Adobe’s data protection statement here.

Google Maps

Google Maps operated by Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. You can find the link to Google’s data protection statement here.


Facebook operated by Facebook Inc. 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. You can find the link to Facebook’s data protection statement here.

Bing Custom Search

Bing Custom Search operated by Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA. You can find the link to Microsoft’s data protection statement here.

When you access an ERV website that contains an activated plug-in (for example, an activated YouTube video), your browser creates a direct connection to the social plug-in server. Through this plug-in connection, certain information is transmitted to and stored by the provider.


KASKO operated by KASKO LTD, 78 York Street, London, W1H 1DP, United Kingdom. You can find the link to KASKO’s data protection statement here.


Bugsnag operated by Bugsnag, Inc., 110 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA. You can find the link to Bugsnag’s data protection statement here.


You can usually subscribe to newsletters via ERV websites and apps. This data is not passed on to third
parties for any other purpose in connection with sending the newsletter, except where you are explicitly notified of this. When the newsletter is sent, anonymized link tracking is performed for statistical purposes. You can
unsubscribe from ERV newsletters using the links in them specially provided for this purpose.


Among other rights, you have the right to request information about your personal data processed by ERV and,
under certain conditions, to have said personal data corrected, transferred to you, blocked or deleted.


You have the right to receive information about your personal data processed by ERV. You may submit a written request for information, together with a copy of your identity card or passport, to ERV’s contact address.


If, despite ERV’s best efforts to ensure the accuracy of data, false information is stored about you, this will be corrected at your request. You will be notified once it has been corrected.


You are entitled to have your data deleted from the ERV system, as long as ERV is not obliged or entitled to store some of your personal data owing to prevailing laws and regulations.


The right to object to the processing of personal data at any time with effect for the future, unless the data processing is absolutely necessary for the performance of the contract and/or ERV is obliged or entitled to process the data under the applicable laws and regulations.


You may object to your data being processed at any time and with effect for the future, if such processing is not necessary for performing a contract or if ERV is not obliged or entitled to this processing under prevailing laws and regulations.


If your rights are violated, you may submit a complaint to the responsible data protection authority.


The right of the data subjects to express their point of view in the case of exclusively automated decisions and to request that the decision be reviewed by a natural person.


The right to request that ERV transfer certain personal data.


If data subjects have questions about data protection and the rights of data subjects, they can contact ERV using the subject line "data protection". This will allow them to address the data protection officer of ERV.


European Travel Insurance ERV
Data protection
St. Alban Anlage 56
4002 Basel
Tel.: +41 58 275 27 27


ERV reserves the right to modify this privacy policy in line with the current statutory regulations at any time. The version published here applies as amended from time to time.